Top 10k strings from 16-48 Magazine - Issue 13 (1985)(16-48 Tape Magazine)(Side B).tzx
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6 ((((((((((((((( 5 <<<<<<<<<< 4 STOP THE TAPE 4 RUN THE TAPE 4 ;"explode" 2 a$(ys+(y-ys)/2 2 a$(y,x)="X") 2 RETURN TO EDEN 2 Print text 2 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 2 ;"EXPLODE": 2 ;"CROSSWORD": 2 :::::::::::: 2 999999999999999999 2 ,xs+(x-xs)/2 2 ((prog+168 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Z 1 ~~~~~~~~~~ 1 z$="ll130201AND ": 1 z$="ll020302GREEN MEN": 1 z$="ll000402DUNGEONS": 1 z$="18010202THEN READ ON....": 1 z$="14010506SCREEN": 1 z$="14010102BEWILDERED BY THE CHOICE??": 1 z$="11010102SPARE XMAS CASH?": 1 z$="10030203STOP THE TAPE": 1 z$="10030203RUN THE TAPE": 1 z$="10020203STOP THE TAPE": 1 z$="10020203RUN THE TAPE": 1 z$="10000203Let the tape run": 1 z$="09020203STOP THE TAPE": 1 z$="08010202SHERLOCK SLEUTH": 1 z$="08010102LOOKING FOR AN ADVENTURE?": 1 z$="04020309EXPLODING": 1 z$="01140202THE": 1 z$="00140201OF": 1 z$="00010303EXPERIMENT": 1 z$="00010303ATTRIBUTES": 1 z$="00000203USING THIS CODE": 1 you that Mrs Brown committed 1 you have got until 5th December 1985 before the Moon and 1 yco,xco;p$(i); 1 yco,xco;" " 1 yc=ys+(y-ys)/2 1 y1=y+(k$="6" 1 xc=xs+(x-xs)/2 1 x1=x+(k$="8" 1 worth considering although it 1 with which I could find no 1 uninteresting arcade game which must be completed before 1 together and you save the world from a disintegrating moon. As 1 to solve this game will know a 1 to know what it is? 1 this. See what I mean?": 1 the world and collect `25000, 1 that there are six possible 1 that is! Yes, the first person 1 t$=". . . . . . . . . S O L I T A I R E . by Ben ""Sam Safety"" Edgington. Press ""I"" for instructions, any other key to continue" 1 sword and sorcery or even 1 surface of the planet Eden and 1 suicide? CAREFULLY examine Mrs 1 story line is very complicated 1 soon as you have done this you 1 solutions. Even the apparently 1 social ladder from, the 1 simple facts about the two 1 seem whithin Sherlock. The 1 secret telephone number. Just 1 s$="XXXXX XXX XX X X X XX X XXXXXXXXXX X X XX XXXXX XXXX X X XXXX X XX X XX X X X XXXXXXX XXXX X X X XXX XXXXXX " 1 role of secret agent Kim 1 ring this number and you save 1 rev5 1 rev4 D 1 rev3 1 rev2 1 rev1 z 1 reasonable, the text is great 1 ratings it would be 1 rank. One has to scale the 1 purchasers of 1 prize is not claimed the money 1 press a key 1 plentiful, some are animated. 1 pictures!": 1 packaging, or in fact the price tag, that this is in fact a 1 p$="SOLITAIRE- a game for one player" 1 p$="OBJECT: To end up with one peg left, preferably in the centre. Sometimes this may not be possi-ble and you should press ""r"" to end a game when you have done all you can." 1 p$="MOVEMENT: A peg can move by jumping over a single peg into aspace beyond, as in draughts. The peg jumped over is then removed." 1 p$="G O O D L U C K !" 1 p$="DEMO": 1 p$="BACKGROUND: The game is played on a board with 45 holes in it arranged in a cross (see above). In these holes are 44 pegs with a space in the centre." 1 p$="4) Press ""ENTER""": 1 p$="3) Put cursor on gap to move to": 1 p$="2) Press ""ENTER""": 1 p$="1122334455667722744": 1 p$="1) Place cursor over peg to move": 1 p$=" Then place the cursor over thespace you wish to jump to and press ""ENTER"" again." 1 p$=" To select a peg to move placethe cursor over it using keys 5-8 and press ""ENTER"", this movecan be erased by pressing""ENTER""again over the same peg." 1 n,o;" ": 1 must telephone Mrs T. on the 1 must now travel through hostile alien jungle to the domed robot city of Enoch.": 1 more for the Reginald Perrins. 1 locations. Why the reduction in size? Maybe it was to make a bitof room for the 240 very eerie 1 l=l+(k$="6")*(l<11 1 is split amongst all the 1 is a good package and certainly 1 is a bit pricey. 1 have saved the world and claim 1 grubby NW London flat, to the 1 gazine Ltd. *6\$: 1 for the Conans among you but 1 find. Question Daphnie about 1 fiction, all except the `25000 1 fault. The graphics are 1 explode U 1 examine the evidence that you 1 entering the adventure.": 1 distinct advantage (No, it's notsmutty). 1 discomfort of an armchair, in a 1 course are strewn through time. 1 corner). Instead a quick look atthree of the better recent 1 competition disappear. If the 1 comp13 1 colony star ship Snowball 9. 1 cash in hand! Oh by the way, 1 c=c+(k$="8")*(c<11 1 but add that adults have a 1 bodies has a twist Do you want 1 beginner to the advanced 1 and the story brilliant. Highly recommended, and if I gave 1 and have been designed by Games personality 1984- 1 and I hear from Melbourne House 1 agazine Ltd. *6\$: 1 agazine Ltd*S\ 1 adventurer. I agree with this 1 adventure designer, the 1 adventure but five. The task is to find five fragments of the 1 a=(a$(ys,xs)=" 1 a$(ys,xs)="X": 1 a$(ys,xs)="X") 1 a$(ys,xs)=" 1 ]MAGNETIC MAGAZINES 83:H\ 1 Z$="LLCC0202"+A$(N,1 1 Z$="00010421BYE BYE": 1 Z$=" YCC0202"+A$(N,Y/2 1 You have already reached the 1 You can guide your fleet through a narrow channel avoiding mines and torpedoes as you go, or confront the enemy's fleet directly. After defeating this fleet you can land your tanks and destroy the island's fortress. 1 XXXXX XXX XX X X X XX X XXXXXXXXXX X X XX XXXXX XXXX X X XXXX X XX X XX X X X XXXXXXX XXXX X X X XXX XXXXXX C 1 With only Vortices to find and Monoliths to avoid,the game is limitedand soon becomes quite boring and repetitive. The 3D illusion is also jerky and inaccurate. This inaccuracy could be due to the effect of the black hole of course! 1 Wait for key 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1 Trivial Persuits 1 Title page 1 Though not as large as 1 This is yet another zap the alien in a vast maze game. The sprites are very large, fast and flicker free, but the rooms are rather small, sparse and uniform. I personally would have preferred fewer rooms with more variation. 1 This is a totally unashamed Zap-Anything- That-Moves game! I found it reminiscent in parts of the arcade game "Star Wars", except there is notrench and DARK STAR is faster! There is also a tactical side to the game-but this can be ignored. 1 There is more of the adventure element in Pyjamarama than in most arcade/adventure type games. Bizarre objects are strewn around the nightmare which will helpyou in this quest to findthe essential alarm clockand key to wake Wally. 1 There are no great treasures to be found, only states of social 1 There are five different game sequences in all. The most impressive part of the game is the shooting of the enemy fighters (shown), which reminded me of 3D TANX. On the whole an average and, as with all war games, in bad taste. 1 The player, having been sucked into the black hole, must use the instruments to search fornine Vortices before being expelled. This task is hampered by an infinite number of Monoliths which must be avoided or destoyed. 1 The graphics and animation are very impressive, with large sprites and detailed backgrounds. The most important thing is that Pyjamarama is funny. My favourite sequence was anhilarious Space Invaders game with roast chickens. 1 The complex is guarded by256 deadly varieties of alien creatures. These must be avoided as their touch proves fatal. You are armed with a gun which is powered by orbs found in the maze. Energyfrom these orbs is also needed to open doors. 1 Temporal Talisman, which of 1 TERRAHAWKS 1 Simply piece the fragments 1 Set variables 1 See page 116 in the manual or page 53 in the Spectrum+ manual. 1 STOP THE TAPEw 1 SOLITAIRE U 1 Return To Eden 1 REVIEWS 1 QUIT ROUTINE 1 Print cursor 1 Print chip 1 Print board 1 Price `15.50": 1 PYJAMARAMA 48K PRICE: `6.95 PUBLISHER: MIKRO-GEN 44 the Broadway, Bracknell, Berkshire. 1 PYJAMARAMA 1 PRINT WORD 1 PRINT CLUE 1 PRESS A KEY (Q quits). 1 PRESS A KEY 1 P.M's secret hotline say you 1 Nirvana of all social climbers- 1 Move cursor 1 Melbourne House 1 Melborne House. 1 MAGNETIC MAGAZINES : 1 London W4 4PH. 1 Level 9 Computing 1 LET THE TAPE RUN 1 Kimberly, escaping from the 1 Jones bookcase and CARFULLY 1 Issue 13 Competition 1 Instructions 1 Ian Livinstone 1 INPUT WORD 1 Games Workshop 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 GGGGGGBGGGGGGFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBGGGGGGFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGCCCCCGGGGCGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGCCCCCGGGGCGFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGCFCCCGGGFCGFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGCFCCCGGGFCGGGGGDDDDDDGGDDDDDDFFFCCCCCGGGGCGGGGGDDDDDDGGDDDDDDFFFCCCCCGGGGCGGGGGDDDDDDGGDDDDDDFFFCCCCCGGGGCGGGGGDDDDDDGGDDDDDDFFFCCCCCGGGGCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ 1 GGBBBGGEEB 1 GERRY ANDERSON AND CHRISTOPHER BURR'S TERRAHAWKS 48K PROGRAM: RICHARD TAYLOR PRICE: `6.95 PUBLISHER: CRL CRL House, 9 Kings Yard, Carpenters Road, London E15 2HD. 1 For the "Zap'em" connoisseur there is a large degree of choice over the game's controls format and display. Buy it if Manic Miner is too intellectual for you! As a bonus there is also a mystery, review proof game. (What can I say?) 1 FFFFDD:><9 1 FFFEEEDDDCDDD(((9 1 FFFEEDDDDCDDD:><9 1 FFFDDD(((9 1 FEEEEFFFFFFFFGGGGEEFDDDDDDDDDFFFFFFFFFFCCCCCCGGGGEEFDDDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCCCCCCGGGGFFFEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGGGGFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCBFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFBBFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFBBGGGGGBBBBBGGGGGGGGGBBBBBGGGGGGBBGGGGGBFFFBGGGGGGGGGBFFFBGGGGGGBBGGGGGBFFFBGGGGGGGGGBFFFBGGGGGGBBGGGGGBFFFBGGGGGGGGGBFFFBGGGGGGBBGGGGGBFFFBGGGGGGGGGBFFFBGGGGGGBBGGGGG 1 FDBBBBBBBBBBGG 1 Even without the prize 1 Erase text 1 Erase chip 1 End of game 1 EXPLODE ) 1 EEDDDDCCCC:><9 1 Domark Ltd. 1 Dimension this.K 1 DDDDCDDD(((B 1 DARK STAR Competition 1 DARK STAR 48K PRICE: `7.50 PUBLISHER: DESIGN DESIGN 2 Ashton Way, East Herrington, Sunderland SR3 3RX. 1 Check ENTER 1 CROSSWORD 1 CHECK FOR FINISH 1 CAREFULLY examine the Sandstone bridge and the corpse of Mrs 1 Brown. Does this indicate to 1 BEACH HEAD 48K PROGRAM: OCEAN SOFTWARE PRICE: `7.95 PUBLISHER: U.S.GOLD Unit 10, The Parkway Industrial Centre, Heneage Street, Birmingham B7 4LY. 1 BEACH HEAD 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 BBBBBBBBBB 1 ARRAY AND NT E E R UT A LOGICALRED L U LI COMMA SBIN W E BITU E IN E RT X T E IEXTEND OPEN O O E GOR RETURN 1 ARRAY 0101400AND 0107200LOGICAL 0305600RED 0401200COMMA 0504400BIN 0601200BIT 0609200IN 0706100EXTEND 0901500OPEN 0908300OR 1101100RETURN 1105500ATTRIBUTE 0101810READ 0103310YELLOW 0105510ARGUMENT 0107710NULLSTRING0111910NEXT 0603310BEEPER 0609510XOR 0902210NOR 0905210 1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 @DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1 @@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@ @ 1 ;("Master Mind" 1 ;"Your name is too long, try again": 1 ;"You scored: ";k-1 1 ;"You cannot do that move": 1 ;"You can now experiment with the attributes by entering any number between 0 and 255." 1 ;"Todays best: ";hs;" by ";h$ 1 ;"There are 85 bytes of machine code stored just below the user defined graphics at ";ram;"." 1 ;"The number you need to poke into23305 is the new ATTRIBUTE."'"The ATTRIBUTE number is made up from the INK, PAPER, BRIGHT and FLASH components as below." 1 ;"The new colour for the centre ofthe screen should be POKED into address 23305 before calling theroutine" 1 ;"Score: ";k-1 1 ;"SOLITAIRE": 1 ;"SOLITAIRE" 1 ;"SIDE 2 LOADING" 1 ;"SEE YOU NEXT MONTH.": 1 ;"S O L I T A I R E.";: 1 ;"Rating: "; 1 ;"Press ""R"" to end game, ""Q"" to exit program" 1 ;"Pegs remaining: ";45 1 ;"PRESS A KEY": 1 ;"PRESS A KEY" 1 ;"PRESS A KEY ( 1 ;"INSTRUCTIONS" 1 ;"EXPLODE" 1 ;"CROSSWORD" 1 ;"ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO QUIT? PRESS Y FOR YES OR N FOR NO." 1 ;"16/48D&G13": 1 ;"16/48D&G13" 1 ;" points. " 1 ;" You have todays best score! Please enter your name...", 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 7) (each 0 or 1)" 1 7"'"POKE 23305,n*9:PAUSE 10"'"RANDOMIZE 1 23635+256* 1 16/48LOAD2 1 16/48D&G13 1 16/48 Magazine 1 10 Barley Mow Passage 1 00000000000000000000((((((((((((00000000000000000000((((((((((((<_ 1 0 Created by Muf for 1 . Price 9.95. ": 1 **************** 1 );"hours "; 1 )-(k$="7")*(l>1 1 )-(k$="5")*(C>1 1 )+("You give up easily" 1 )+("Quite Good" 1 )+("Keep Practising" 1 )+("Clever Clogs" 1 )+("Average" 1 ));"Minutes."'"PRESS ANY KEY ( 1 (prog+1217 1 (except in 1 (XAVIOR is Currah Speech compatible.) XAVIOR 48K PRICE: `5.95 PUBLISHER. P.S.S. 452 Stoney Stanton Road, Coventry CV6 5DG. 1 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO99999999<9:::::::99999999999999999999999<99999998;;99;;;;;;;;;???9999999999999999??????????????99::::::::::99999998898999999999999999999889999999999999999999999 1 '"To get exploding effect you willneed to call the routine from a loop like this,"'"FOR n=0 1 '"The routine needs to be called 6times before the new colour will fill the screen." 1 '"The code moves all the screen colours outwards by 2 or three character spaces and places new colours in the small box in the middle of the screen." 1 '"The code is relocatable so you can load it anywhere and call with RANDOMIZE 1 '"Send the tape to"'" 1 '"LIKE THIS.": 1 '"If you wish to save the code to tape or microdrive these optionswill crop up at the end of the program." 1 '"If you press 1 '"INK+8*PAPER+64*BRIGHT+128*FLASH (each 0 1 '"Each time you type a number and press ENTER the number will be POKEd into 23305 and the routinewill be called just once." 1 $GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 $$$$$$$$$$ 1 "SOLITAIRE" 1 "Receptacle for two digits.","Eight to the Byte","How to check the ports.","Stretch both shifts.","Do this to channels before you use them.","True -- False = True." 1 "ENTER the word "; 1 "ENTER a number (0-255)"; 1 "Dimension this.","This operation needs two ones tomake a one.","COAL GIL.","colour two.","Separating punctuation." 1 "Come back to basic.","Colourful quality.","Collect Data.","White minus Blue.","quarrelsome subject of a function.","""""","the add one and do it again command.","A noisy Spectrum?","The exclusive alternative.","The operation that makes a rightfrom two wrongs." 1 "CROSSWORD" 1 ";ram;'"NEXT n" 1 ";ram'"or whatever address you choose." 1 "9";"PRESS ANY KEY" 1 "9",o;"This is an excellent adventure 1 "9",o;"The graphics are resonable and 1 "9",o;"No helpful hints this month 1 "9",o;"It isn't obvious from the 1 "9",o;"In 1 "8",o;"All of this is, of course, 1 "6",o;" ADVENTURE HELP FROM Yaz. " 1 "23658",o: 1 "23301",(k$="q")+2 1 "23300",16 1 "16/48LOAD2" 1 "16/48D&G13" 1 "15",i;"Press L to load SOLITAIRE." 1 "10",o;"The adventures are quite good 1 "10",o;"It doesn't take long to realise that things are not what they 1 "10",o;"I believe that neither Mrs Brownnor Mrs Jones were murdered! 1 "10",i;"Press R to read again."; 1 "'''"Follow the prompts and when the picture is displayed press"''" 1 "''"When you see the picture use keys 1 "''"Cursor"'"keys"'"move *"''" 1 "'"The first 6 tapes out of the binon February 22nd 1985 will bethe lucky winners'." 1 " ")-(k$="7" 1 " ")-(k$="5" 1 " 1 you will save thepicture twice to tape." 1 you will return to this page and the picture will remain as you left it."''"If you press 1 you play the 1 which has 7000 (Yes 1 to"'"answer a"'"clue."''" 1 to turn back a page,"''" Any other key to page through the review."'''"The display will stay on the screen for as long as you hold a key down."''"Don't forget 1 to save to microdrive 1."'" (under file name ""explode"")" 1 to save code to tape,"'''"PRESS 1 to read again,"'''"PRESS 1 to quit."''" 1 to quit and move on,"'''"PRESS 1 to quit and move on,"''" 1 to produce the unscrambled screen."''"If you press 1 reward!": 1 is witty and makes a welcome change from 1 is the sequel to 1 is not just one 1 is not an adventure 1 fame. Each adventure is proceeded by a very 1 excellent 1 changes"'"mode"'"(across or"'"down)"''"Press"'" 1 as suitible for the 1 and ENTER you canmove on." 1 adventure. 1 adventure (written with the aid of 1 QUITS"''" 1 Price 9.95.": 1 DON'T RUN OR CLEAR:GOTO 1.": 1 BEN EDGINGTON 1984 1 1984 A.P.S. 1 (a state of being).": 1 The object of DARK STAR is to liberate your galaxy from the domination of an evil Lord's tyrannical empire.To achieve this you must wipe out all the enemy's military centres on all planets in the galaxy. 1 Pyjamarama is an arcade adventure of the Jetset Willy type. You guide your character, Wally Week, around his wacky nightmare in search of the means to wake up. Being a Wally, this isn'tat all simple. 1 Terrahawks claims to be a flight trainer designedto convert an ordinary space pilot into a memberof the elite TERRAHAWK SQUADRON. This is done bysetting the task in the strange world of a revolving black hole. 1 This is the biggest maze game to date, with a ridiculous 4096 rooms! Being the last member of your race it is your dutyto search a complex and collect sections of D.N.A. so that your race may live again. 1 A peaceful island is held by a ruthless dictator and his troops. As Chief Commander of land and see forces in the pacific, you must obtain a naval victory and then invade the island with land forces.